in Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund , Piret Bristol , administrateur ANSE
Membre du Conseil d’administration de l’ANSE et du conseil d’administration de l’Association Estonienne de supervision et de coaching, Piret BRISTOL a animé lors du colloque PSF du 22 mars dernier, un atelier qui rend compte du process qu’elle a mis en place pour superviser individuellement les intervenants dans un organisme d’assurance chômage Estonien. Ce process est repris ci-dessous dans ses grandes lignes :
REGULAR SUPERVISION in Unemployment Insurance Fund
- started systemically in October 2012 and is still in action,
- supervision service is ordered inside state tender system,
- is available for all specialists at different positions,
- is provided in the local bureaus all over Estonia as much as possible,
- employees can choose the supervisor they prefer to work with every supervision process is and can last approximately from 3 to 12 sessions,
- supervision approach is chosen according to the need of every client.
Individual supervision of a specialist – Case
- Continuous tiredness and fear of burning out,
- Cannot say NO and assert herself,.
- Works constantly over hours,,
- Problems with a line manager,
- Having difficulties with accepting regulations and limits of the organization
Supervisor can consider some factors when selecting methods and techniques:
- the developmental level of the supervisée,
his or her learning style and prior experience with a variety of techniques, - the supervisor comfort level, experience as a supervisor,
- theoretical model,
- goals for supervisions,
- the learning needs of the supervisée.
(Liddle, Becker, & Diamond 1997)
Supervisory roles
- Monitor/evaluator,
- Advisor/instructor,
- Model,
- Consultant,
- Support/share .
- Is having high level of self-reflection skills and emotional intelligence,
- Is having high motivation to improve her work life quality.
Photo : Carte de l’implantation de l’ANSE
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